London Girls

A lot of my friends are intrigued about the life of a London escort.  I’m always being asked whether it’s glamorous or if I feel safe and I always tell them the same thing: an escort in London is a first date that never goes wrong, a girlfriend you never argue with and a wife with no mother-in-law attached.

What I mean by that is that London escorts have to play a million different roles; really I’m whatever my date wants me to be.  Last night, for example, my date wanted me to be an undercover police woman.  A fairly common fantasy you might think, but I literally had to follow him around town, watching him from behind lampposts and chasing him through the underground until eventually I was able to corner him in the lift of a luxury hotel.

Most escorts are playful people, and most of our customers don’t want to stop having fun just because they’ve got serious jobs and responsibilities.  I don’t often get asked to sprint through London in stilettos but it seemed to let my date work through his persecution complex fantasies and if I’m honest it let me enjoy my Charlie’s Angels fantasies too!

If there’s an idea that’s been rolling around in your head for a while but you’re a little too shy to bring it up with your favourite London escort girl then just remember this: if I was happy to hop over barriers and handcuff an innocent man in a hotel lift, you can just as easily pump a little excitement into your Friday night.  Fill your social life with a more flirtatious kind of fun and you’ll soon have your memories bubbling over with daring deeds.

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