A Drink Before Play Helps to Get the Ball Rolling

As an elite escort, I have encountered a huge variety of people and found myself in a number of unusual situations. When you have some experience in the industry, you begin to pick up a few tricks of the trade. These often relate to ways in which to help clients relax into the moment or to get over some awkward nerves and anxiety. Ultimately, my job is all about providing the best possible customer service and as a result I want all of my clients to have an amazing time in my company. Also, it goes without saying that the more my clients are relaxed and having a good time, the more I can enjoy myself as well.

It may seem fairly obvious, but the most effective method that I have found for quickly making my clients feel more comfortable and relaxed, is to begin the session with a drink. Max, for example always greets me with a brief kiss on the cheek and offering me a drink. Elite escorts tend to opt for a soft drinks but I encouraged him to go for something stronger. I know he always gets nervous before and during our encounters and a whiskey on the rocks seems to settle him right down. Generally speaking one or two is just enough to get the ball rolling and to ensure that the ice is broken and inhibitions are overcome.

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