Taking a Relaxing Massage One Step Further

As an incall escort, date options are fairly limited because my client visits me in my place of residence rather than a public place or his home or hotel room. This means that the services of an incall escort tend to focus a great deal more on the intimate nature of the meeting and is a lot more about the fun and less about the chat. However, my clients and I often have a quick drink and brief catch up before getting to business and this often serves as a suitable ice breaker that helps us both to relax into the meeting. Another popular way to get the ball rolling is with an oil massage and I have one particular client with whom I particularly enjoy this part of the date.

Most men enjoy a massage in order to help them to get into the swing of things but this one particular client truly loves to give as much as he loves to receive. I always give him my best handy work because I know he is going to be more than happy to return the favour. He has strong fingers that know how to gently yet firmly manipulate my muscles and the feel of the warm oil beneath his fingers covering my naked body certainly gets my juices flowing. Full body massages performed by someone who not only knows what they are doing but are also loving what they are doing, has to be one of the simplest pleasures in the world and it is definitely one of the many perks of my job.

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