Enjoying the Clean Country Air During a Break From the City

As a high-class escort I spend the large majority of my time in fancy and expensive places in the heart of London. My clients love to take me to the latest fashionable restaurants, upmarket business events, the opera, or even to movie premiers. As exciting and glitzy as these kinds of dates can be, there is really nothing I love more than getting out of the city for a break and some fresh air in the country. I grew up in the outskirts of London and I’m really a country girl at heart. It always surprises me just how much cleaner the air feels and how deep you can breathe it into the lungs. I love the peacefulness of the smaller villages and the way fields and small country lanes seem to fill the views all the way to the horizon.

We were spending the night in a small and friendly country hotel and filled the day with walks outside and lots of cuddles with the resident dog and her puppies. It amazing how invigorating and energising it can be just spending time outside. My client and I were already familiar with one another and we were perfectly comfortable together throughout the weekend. Being away from the business and constant chaos of the city gave us plenty of time to get to know each other better and of course to spend some intimate time in our splendid country hotel room. I knew he wanted to get out of the city to ensure complete privacy somewhere we were both unknown and this turned out to be the perfect solution.

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