Category Archives: Escort Stories

The Escort Blog – Escort Stories

The Vintage Shop Bargain Buys

Mention the word “cheap” and sometimes it brings up images of sales, goods you can purchase at a reduced price, or some kind of bargain price for something which is usually much more expensive. I regard myself as be...

Marathon Madness

Have you ever completed a task, or achieved some kind of long-term craved life goal? I ask because April is the month of the London marathon and I have a marathon-related story to tell... As I've often remarked in these...

To get the most from this profession ladies

You often hear of how escorts continually tell their male clients how amazing they are and can end up indulging in what is often regarded as a lot of ego-boosting. And that's fair enough, really. No-one goes to one of th...

Having a job with benefits

Working for a Good Escort Agency can be about more than just fun and earning an extremely decent living. It can also be pretty life affirming and lead to positive personality traits. Read on to see exactly what I’m tal...

Tailor-Made Dating

What do top London escorts have to do to surpass the services of all others? Well let me tell you. This week one of our finest escorts was invited to a wonderful London hotel as the guest of one of our dear clients. ...

The Secret Life of Escorts

Keeping secrets isn’t just about protecting yourself from the opinions of others; sometimes the act of hiding things from those around you is a pleasure in itself. In an age where we upload our entire life on to social...




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