Simple and Straightforward Gets the Job Done

The simplest clients are often the ones that know what they want and have no trouble or awkwardness voicing their desires. They may not be the most interesting or lead to the most rewarding day’s work but sometimes all you want is a no-nonsense, straightforward meeting. As an elite escort I get all sorts of requests and taken to all kinds of places, some of which are very enjoyable, while others are just plain weird. In this line of work, I have learnt that you must go into every new day with an open mind and consider every experience, both good and bad, to be a learning opportunity. Some of my best days at work and most pleasurable moments in life have happened due to adopting this mind set so I’m certainly always willing to try something new.

Having said this, there are some days that I wake up and think ‘I hope I’m not asked to do anything too weird or off the wall today.’ As an elite escort, many of my clients are now regulars or at least clients that I have worked with before. Some of them are more straightforward than others, and its great to have a mix of what I call ‘standard’ and  ‘kinky”. On a standard day I simply get to do what I do best in the comfort of a nice room and do what I truly enjoy the most, leaving behind a satisfied customer.

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