Shopping in London wasn’t my only treat of the day

Most people are sceptical regarding the work of high-class escorts like myself, but all I see and experience is an incredible job that provides perk after perk. I very rarely, if ever have to spend time sat motionless and stressed out behind a computer screen, I get to meet a huge array of different and interesting characters from around the world and most importantly I get to practise and perfect a number of interpersonal and physical skills that will be useful throughout my life. I also spend my time at work doing the things I love, such as eating, socialising, being pampered at spa days, exploring London and of course, shopping.

Shopping in London is always going to be something I consider a treat. Even though I now live in London working as a high-class escort, I still find myself mesmerised by the choice of quality shops and the majesty of splashing out in one of the world’s best shopping destinations. One of my favourite clients loves shopping almost as much as I do and he jumps on any opportunity to start out date with some browsing and buying. He’s a bit of a poser so loves to try stuff on and get my opinion and he definitely has an eye for fashion. He always treats me to something stunning and after a few hours of modelling clothes and adjusting each other’s garments to sit properly, we are always in just the right mood to head somewhere more private, that’s if the fun hasn’t already started in the changing rooms.

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