Champagne, Chocolates and Stunning Company

Sometimes there is no better date than the one that takes place in the privacy of your own home. That is certainly how I have come to feel about my dates with elite escorts. At first I couldn’t help but look forward to being seen out in public with such a beautiful young lady. You see I’m not married, not in a relationship so for me being seen out on ‘dates’ wasn’t at all remarkable or unusual. What was remarkable however, was the sheer beauty of these women, dressed up in stunning full-length dresses and hair made up like a princess. I simply loved sitting in a restaurant, knowing full well that the majority of the men in the place were wishing they were in my shoes.

These days however, I have come to realise that my time with such a lovely elite escort is not best spent making random strangers jealous, but in the comfort and intimacy of my own home, where all attention is on just the two of us. One of my favourite recent experiences was when I set up my large and somewhat luxurious bathroom as a spa. I had chocolate, champagne, the works and best of all I had a beautiful lady who was simply stunning company. We relaxed in the bubbles and sipped champagne and I knew from then on that I would spend every future date of this nature securely and intimately behind closed doors.

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