A Woman’s Account of a Great Time Spent with as Escort in West End London

Spending time with West End escorts or those located anywhere for that matter is generally considered a pursuit only viable to men. However, as I discovered to my own pleasure and benefit, that is simply not the case. I, a divorced woman in my early forties had been looking for something to add a little spice to my life. The last few years with my husband had become seriously mundane and I was starting to doubt my attraction the opposite sex altogether. As I had gone through life stuck in my boring marriage, I had crossed paths a number of times with lesbian and bisexual women. I have to admit, each time I grew closer to one of these women and learned of their lifestyles, something awoken inside of me. Anyway I hadn’t had the opportunity to act on any of these thoughts or desires, until recently when I realised I was now free and available to do as I please.

The issue for me was finding a woman with whom to have my first experience. I knew I didn’t want anything serious right away and certainly didn’t want to lead anyone on. It dawned on me that the answer was to employ the services of a West End escort. I didn’t want to travel too far, yet wanted to go somewhere that I was completely unknown. I found a sweet yet undeniably sexy woman online and made her aware of my situation. I went to her place where she had set the mood perfectly with candles and soft music. I knew right away that this was going to be far and away better than anything I had experienced with my husband.

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