A Heated Debate Turns the Temperature Up

As a general rule for most British escorts, the aim of the game is to keep the conversation light and to promote a fun and care free environment. We offer a kind of sanctuary to our clients, into which they can come take the weight off and escape from the daily grind for a period of time. They don’t want to over think or have to make too much of a conversational effort, but rather be indulged and pampered in a way that just doesn’t happen any other time. However, on this one particular evening, I was starting a date with a new client in a rather lovely restaurant. We got the pleasantries over and done with early on and quite quickly I realised that this guy was looking for a deeper conversation that isn’t typical over these kinds of dinners.

Its not that I shy away from the more serious conversation topics but tend to want to keep things on a pleasant and agreeable level for the sake of the rest of the evening. However, on this occasion he was brining up interesting points on various subjects including science and the different theories regarding human existence. People generally don’t expect British escorts to have a huge amount of intellect or deep views and opinions but I relished the opportunity to smash this stereotype. I opposed many of his views and suggested my own theories and thoughts. To be fair to my client, he listened and considered my points but nevertheless continued back his own beliefs. The heated nature of the debate didn’t put a barrier between as I had previously suspected but in fact raised the temperature in the room and created a sense of passion and heat between us, upon which we soon has no choice but to enact.

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