Twice the Company Double the Pleasure

I genuinely enjoy my work as an elite escort and love having the opportunity to get to know such a range of characters on a one-to-one basis. Most dates involve some kind of dinner or drinks and this is the ideal opportunity to get to know someone in a fairly quiet and intimate setting. I’m confident enough and chatty enough to be able to pull even the most shy and awkward of clients out of their shell and help them to feel most comfortable with the arrangement. However, what I really enjoy is the opportunities to work alongside one of the other elite escorts, as in my opinion the more the merrier and three is anything but a crowd.

The women that I work with, just like the clients, come from all walks of life and they are all uniquely beautiful girls with great personalities. Of course I hang out with a few of them in my free time anyway but its always more fun and exciting when we get to hang out together on the job. The client is always our priority, but I have found that they have more fun when they can see that we are genuinely having fun as well. It creates such a different chemistry and vibe when two of us escorts get to work together with one client and obviously with four hands rather than two, we are able to offer an exceptional level of customer service!

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