A late workout

If you live in London, there’s no time in day or night when you can’t find an available escort – be it an agency escort or an independent. As far as being an independent escort in London, an advantage is that I don’t have regular working hours. I work whenever I feel like I, and as such have as much free time as I can. This is one of the reasons I decided to subscribe to one of those 24hr gyms – sometimes if I had a stressful day at my regular job, I like to take a couple of hours to myself and go down to the gym, usually either late in the night or very early in the morning, when there are not many people there.

At one such occasion I had a client who booked a late dinner date. Since I was a bit tired after work, I decided to hop into the gym in my way home and spend a half an hour or soon the working machines. This also has the effect of calming me down, as well as making my muscles a bit more firm than usual on all the right places. It was just my luck as the gym was almost empty due to the late hour and I had the running mill and the weights I needed to myself. Refreshed and relaxed, after a quick trip home, a shower and some make-up I was ready to charm my client and make it a very special night for him. We had a great time at dinner and he mentioned that I’m not the first independent escort he booked in London, but he liked me a lot.

Word after word I found out a little bit about him as well, and I mentioned my little escapades to the gym whenever I feel like too tired and in need to clear my head. It turned out that we are going to he same gym, although obviously at different times of the day. The after-dinner part of the night proved to satisfy him even more, as he mentioned that we might bump into each other soon for our next “workout”.

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