Treated To An Intimate Home-Cooked Dinner By My Personal Chef

One of the best parts of a British escort’s job is being treated so well and generally taken care of by my clients. Of course it is my job to do the pampering and the taking care, but most of my clients are the upmost of gentlemen who like to take me out, show me a good time and often buy me cute little gifts. However, one particular client makes me feel like a princess without even taking me outside and he does it simply by treating me to his amazing home-cooked meals. The first time I met him we had drinks in a local bar before going back to his, but since then he’s become a regular and we always initiate the evening with a light but satisfying meal.

He’s an excellent chef who clearly has a passion for food. In fact he’s one of those people who seems passionate about everything he does in life and will never tackle something half-heartedly. I’ve learnt this from experience, which is another reason for why I particularly love date nights with this man. One of my favourite meals that he prepared for me was a simple salmon with grilled potato wedges and a side salad. He gets everything just right making it a pleasure to clear my plate. He won’t take anything less than a cleared plate incidentally, suggesting that I need the carbs and calories to maximise my energy levels for the night ahead.

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