Two Views to Remember in One Night

One of the best things about 24 hour escorts is the fact that you can call upon their service at any time of the day or night and without a vast amount of prior notice. Any man like me will know that sometimes you can be overcome with an impulse or desire to do something that you couldn’t have predicted days in advance. Spur of the moment dates with 24 hour escorts can certainly be just as much fun as a pre-planned one and one particular memory comes to mind where I really was spoilt with incredible sights all night long.

After a particularly stressful week of work, I decided to make the call and arranged for a 24-hour escort to meet me at a small restaurant close to my office. She arrived looking spectacular in a long black cocktail dress and told me about a new venue with an impressive bar area. A stiff drink to help me relax sounded great so we headed up to the top of a fancy hotel close to the city centre. As soon as we stepped out of the lift I was stunned by the impressive views over the lit up city. We sat at a table in a private and intimate area away from other customers and grew more comfortable with one another over a couple of drinks. When we decided to leave I took a moment to take in the fantastic view of the city before turning to follow my beautiful date out of the hotel, where I once again relished in the sight in front of me.

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