A Night of Stress Relief with 24-Hour Escorts

It comes as no surprise that the average job certainly comes with its stresses but as a  24-hour escort, I find that a big part of my job actually involves helping to relieve the stresses of others rather than developing my own. One night I was visiting one of my regulars at his hotel room. As usual and as I know he prefers, I was dressed casually in a pair of fitted jeans and a simple button up shirt. I always like to match jeans with heels because I know it makes my legs look irresistible and ensures that I turn heads without even being dressed up. He opened the door, wearing a suit with his tie removed and the top buttons undone. He welcomed me into the room with a warm and familiar smile. He was already drinking a beer from the mini fridge and he grabbed me a soda water, my usual when working.

It was late evening but 24-escorts are always prepared to work whatever the time. We sat down and I asked him about his day. As usual he fell comfortably into telling me about the pressures of his work and his difficult clients. I could tell he was particularly stressed on this occasion, as his shoulders were high and stiff. As he continued to talk I moved over to behind his chair and began to massage his upper back and arms, kneading my skilful fingers into his tense muscles. I could feel and see him physically relax and soon he had the tales of his day off his chest and was ready for the next stage of my skilful stress relief.

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