Why Escorts in London Have the Best Job in the World

Many people find it hard to understand why escorts in London, or anywhere else in the world for that matter, would choose to do what they do. The fact is that for many London escorts it is not only a job but in fact more of a way of life, and one which we thoroughly enjoy. While most people wake up each morning, complaining and worrying about what the day has in store for them, escorts such as myself know full well that they we going to meet new people, have new experiences and get to enjoy some genuine pleasure.

As well as meeting a wide range of interesting and highly varied characters, London escorts also get to experience different kinds of setting, fancy occasions and travel opportunities. For many clients the services of an escort is just as much about companionship as it is about intimacy, so they depend on us women to be their plus one to formal functions or simply to accompany them on business trips, weekends away or simply for dinner. Another brilliant part of the work is having the time and energy to spend time working on our appearance. We get to go to the gym and enjoy shopping for sexy outfits with the peace of mind that its necessary for the job. What’s more and what comes as a surprise to many, is the fact that we also thoroughly enjoy the more intimate and sensual side of the job description and if one thing is for sure, being a London escort is never a dull experience.

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