Just what is a luxury lifestyle?

As a top girl in a London Escort Agency you can look forward to a lot of luxuries in life. I don’t just mean in terms of clients presenting you with weekends away in sumptuous hotels (although this does indeed happen), or even being bombarded with the most exquisite and expensive lingerie you could ever hope to envelope yourself in. Then there’s the jewellery – but let’s not go there otherwise I’ll never get to the point of this post!

No, when I talk about luxury, I mean being able to take time off when you feel like it (because basically you’ve earned the right). And I mean that in both financial and ethical terms. Luxury to me is to have the free time to do my own thing. To make my own decisions and to please myself whether I want to work one day or pamper myself for a whole eight hours at the local beauty spa without having to rush back and prepare for a client that evening.

That’s not to say that I don’t look forward to meeting up with clients. Many I really do take pleasure in spending time with. In fact, the majority of my regular clients I would now class as friends.

But, like every woman out there, we escorts also need a little ‘me time’ which involves days on our own or nights out with girlfriends where it doesn’t matter what we look like and where we can let our hair down as it were.

I often compare London escort agencies to drama schools. It’s because a lot of the time we have to be ‘someone else.’ We learn to please, to pleasure, to entertain and to console. And some of the time we need that consolation ourselves. You’d never find a professional escort asking for it though – quite the contrary. She’ll always be the best night you’ve had in a very long time. Tell me I’m wrong…

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