Let me come to you

As a member of an agency which deals in Outcall Escorts I’m often asked to explain the term to clients or other close friends and companions who aren’t in the escort field.

What it involves is myself and other girls in the agency meeting up with clients in a venue of their choice and out with our own homes or usual places of work. This could be a hotel bar, the client’s office, a club, fancy restaurant or even a fairground (that was a great evening!). It’s then customarily to go to another location for a drink or some privacy if the client so desires.

Being an outcall escort usually involves more time and effort (certainly in terms of travelling pretty long distances – sometimes between countries – to get there). For this reason, understandably, the fees for outcall girls tend to be a bit higher than those of an incall escort.

Incall Escorts, as you’d imagine, are those who greet and entertain their clients either at their own apartment or in a designated space specifically rented for the purpose. It’s always tastefully furnished, relaxing and the type of place you’ll want to spend time in.

As an outcall escort though I find I’m regularly asked to dine with my clients in lovely restaurants as they don’t want to eat alone and just need someone lively to chat to. Of course the fact I’m very pretty to look at doesn’t do any harm either!

I’ve also spent quite a bit of time in casinos – often I’ll get handed a stack of tokens and asked to bid for the client (he’ll often regard me as his lucky talisman) and if I win, I’ll usually be encouraged to keep half the winnings. If fact my new Chanel dress I bought three months ago was the result of a particularly lucrative casino night!

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