Plunging Necklines

All escorts like to dress with style. We understand how to mix elegance with sex appeal and we spend a lot of time perfecting our look. Now I’m not going to sit here and hand out style advice, you don’t read The Escort Blog for fashion tips and frankly I think the only way to emphasise your assets is to understand your body. But what I will say is that the secret to our fabulous fashion sense isn’t just knowing what we look great in, it’s understanding how men see us and knowing what will appeal to them.

Any woman who says she only dresses for herself is either a liar or a very dowdy dresser.  Of course we want people to appreciate the way we look; of course we want people to know who we are. Whatever you choose to adorn yourself with says something about you, even if you keep your sartorial effort to the absolute minimum. You know it and so does everyone else, that’s why the fashion industry makes millions of pounds a year and that’s why escort agencies help us plan what we’re going to wear down to the most minute detail.

I meet a lot of people through my work and of all the fashion debates that spring up between us the plunging neckline is by far the most divisive. Each of us has the kind of bust a Playboy model can only dream about and I say when you’ve got it, flaunt it! But there are friends of mine who think a slow revelation is the key to seduction and always keep themselves covered up.

A part of me agrees with these friends of mine, and when the occasion calls for subtlety I know I look just as good in a high neck as a scooped one. But my opinion is only half the issue, what really counts is what you think. When it comes to your Friday night fantasy would you rather have an escort who’s wrapped up and mysterious or daring to bare?

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