Safe Advice

Firstly it is essential that as an escort you are constantly aware of your surrounding environment at all times. Before you agree to go in to a clients house or hotel room, taking in to account things like number of cars in the car park, the number of people in the vicinity, and the environment of the house or hotel.

If you are in doubt then you confer your concerns directly, or cancel the meeting. Other key things to remember are never to take personal ID or a purse containing credit cards or anything else that may have identification or addresses on. The reason for this is some clients are potential stalkers and it is very important for your safety to protect your personal identity and information.

Many escorts like to give the impression that they are not alone or have a driver waiting for them; doing things like pretending to phone someone on meeting a client and asking them to wait for you to finish with client. If you are using a hotel room always check the rooms suitability avoid rooms with adjoining room doors, and always check for cameras.

Always respect her for who she is and not what she does. You hired her so that he both of you can have a great time together. Ensure that this happens at all times. Don’t belittle or talk down to her. Write this list down if you have too. You don’t want to forget what you would need to get through your date with your companion. Preparation is the key to ensuring that everything works smoothly. Never lose sight of the purpose of the date which is to have fun!

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