My Trip to The Zoo With a Model

Coming up with date ideas and settings to meet with escorts and models can be kind of difficult. I don’t like simply meeting at a hotel or going straight to her place because to me it feels a bit awkward and business like. I prefer to have more of a realistic and genuine date like experience before hand that allows us to get to know each other a little bit and break through some of the awkwardness. I know this draws things out time wise but for me it results in a much more pleasurable and enjoyable experience overall.

One of the best dates and kind of surreal experiences that I’ve had for a while was a date to London Zoo with a model. It turned out we were both animal lovers so it was the perfect place to spend a couple of hours enjoying our mutual interest. We messed around a bit taking pictures of some of the best looking animals and bonding over our favourites. It was a nice day so when we bought ice creams and my gorgeous blonde model started to seductively lick the drips from around the cone, I knew that was our cue to head to a hotel and get round two of this fantastic date off to an equally animalistic start.

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