My Evening with the Doctor

As an Incall escort, I get to spend time with a huge array of characters and individuals from all walks of life. Normally I like the more down to earth and simple blokes the most, often ones with an arty side to them like musicians or writers. I find that they are the easiest to relate to and we can quickly build up a comfortable and friendly rapport. Generally lawyers and men who have been educated to the hilt are not my cup or tea and I struggle to break through the snootiness and indentify with the real person within. On this particular occasion my client was a Doctor, probably approaching 50 years old who knocked on my door in his suit and tie. As I expected, he was business like and very to the point. I decided to take it as a challenge to get this man out of his comfort zone and to help him release control.

Role-play is usually good for this, like a form of therapy, but he was too uptight and serious to be having any of that. As an incall escort, this meeting was happening at my place, which gave me the upper hand and an element of control over the proceedings. I decided that a massage would be a great way to get the ball rolling and to literally get him under the control of my skilful fingertips. I got my massage oils out and got to work. It wasn’t before long before the doctor was relinquishing under my powers.

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